Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Back When

I use to be creative, well sorta...I use to have dreams and goals...well not really.  I use to be able to use proper grammar okay that was never the case.  Should Have Could Have Would Have.  Back when Tom created Myspace I use to be babble on there while under the influence of happy juice and think I was sorta, kinda, well hell not really funny...Then Jesse Eisenburg's bookface got popular and that avenue was as dead as a succos home game minus firework nights.

So I am sitting here not under the influece of what Billy  Joel calls water.  I am not all that creative sober.  As I look in the mirror I am also way way better looking after 11 and half servings...so I spilled one out...I am clumsy it happens.  Anyways I have been trying to do some studying and it or course lead me elsewhere, well here for the moment until nature calls damn polyuria... I am in mursing school..yes I am still trying to figure that one out myself. I guess i just ran out of options maybe..I am kinda like Dave Wannstashes old playbook I guess.  The inner jew in me is only good at whining, complaining, and making fun of things.  Luckily I am super self depricating so myself seems to be option number one in the making fun of game.

So sit back and look and your life...are you who want to be??  You are not getting and younger...those pants are not fitting like they use to...Your kids poop does not look right....whats the pain in your back from?  Lets face it no one is probably exactly where they want to be..but hey ya gotta make do right?  I myself get dumped as much as a recycling truck in Seattle..but hey it happens I already did my epic dump...and no I did not just go to taco bell, but that is a really good idea. There are peaks there are valleys yada yada yada.  I have been having a down few weeks, but its not all about me.  I am lucky, I would rather get lucky...but I am lucky.  I myself am not really where I want to be..but that is what is awesome about life at least here in the United States of Obama there are opportunities to change things..WOOHOO

So I plan on writing more of these, not that anyone else besides my mom will probably read then.  By the way mom love you and I just love the new hair color.  Hopefully next time i decide to do this I am a case in...but hey we all have hopes and dreams..Next time less I more me.